Exclusive Skills For CAC

Exclusive Skills For CAC

Exclusive Skills For CAC

In this section you can find the custom skills that have cost me the most time to make exclusive of my mod pack and my CAC’s.

Black Dragon Wave

-Ultimate Skill

Description: Summon multiple Dragon of the Darkness Flames, unleashing each of them on the opponent at once for a much more destructive attack.

Hell Breaker

-Ultimate Skill

Description: Charge a giant sphere of infernal energy above your head and throw it to the enemy.

Hellish Aura

-Evasive Skill

Description: Explode all your energy in the form of an infernal aura that will stop any attack.

Big Bang Prison

-Ultimate Skill

Description: The user unleashes a barrage of Big Bangs that surrounds the opponent before they all close in on them and explode.

Jagan Tie Curse

-Super Skill

Description: This spell binds the target with three red energy rings. These rings levitate the enemy and then explode.

Fist of the Mortal Flame

-Super Skill

Description: Channel the flames of the human world into your fists to increase the power of the blow.

Concentrated Energy Ray

-Super Skill

Description: Charges energy in the right hand and launches it like a concentrated beam. You can charge the beam.

Energy Assault

-Ultimate Skill

Description: Charges energy in the right hand and launches it like a concentrated beam. You can charge the beam.

Kaioken Energy Arrow (Super/Ultimate)

-Super/Ultimate Skill

Description: Charge energy into your hand using kaioken mode and shoot an energy arrow.

Parry Missile

-Evasive Skill

Description: Deflects projectiles away from the user.

Hideous Shot

-Super Skill

Description: Charge evil energy into your hand and then launch a powerful ki blast that you can charge up to 3 levels.

Dragon Absorption

-Evasive Skill

Description: Master the dragon through your own willpower. He will grant you a huge power boost and allow you to channel the flames of the demon realm.

Heart-Wrenching Tension

-Evasive Skill

Description: Destroys any attack that tries to hit you thanks to the enrgy released by your body.

Hellish Fury

-Super Skill

Description: Raise a single hand and boil your infernal aura. Nothing and no one will be able to get close while you use this skill.

Devil Wings

-Super Skill

Description: Unleashes a large amount of sharp black feathers that will impact the enemy causing a lot of damage.

Dragon of the Darkness Flame

-Super Skill

Description: Use your demonic energy to draw the flames of the Demon World and create a dragon from them.

Lycanthrope Style: Burning Gene

-Super Skill

Description: Unleash a variety of swipe to end up turning into a column of blue fire.

Infernal Sun

-Ultimate Skill

Description: Create a small sun of infernal energy where the enemy and burn him until there is nothing left. You can give more power to the infernal sun so that it becomes much larger.

Infernal Twin Hurricane

-Super Skill

Description: Conjure a mini tornado next to each hand which will in turn create two more tornadoes.

Poison Destroyer Beam

-Ultimate Skill

Description: Annihilate your enemy with a wave of poisonous power, causing considerable damage.

Elemental Hurricanes

-Evasive Skill

Description: Conjure 4 mini hurricanes around you from different elements

Forbidden Shot

-Super Skill

Description: Unleash a ball of forbidden energy from your mouth that grows larger halfway through

Spirit Power Point

-Super Skill

Description: Extend the fingers of your hand to create a shock sphere right in front of you that will break the enemy several times

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